Let's Have A Yarn With Yarn®
Empower the group you belong to by giving a voice to its individuals.
Capturing the ethos of Aboriginal Yarning Circles. Let's Have A Yarn With Yarn program $550 Including GST.
On this page you will discover:
- What is The Yarn?
- Who is The Yarn for?
- How to purchase the Let's Have A Yarn With Yarn® package?

Above: A Yarning Circle in Action
What is The Yarn?
The Let's Have A Yarn With Yarn® program is a verbal activity, needing no written material, and has three main areas:
1. Yarning Topics
There are various Yarning topics that the participants in the Circle share over a period of weeks. For example the topics include:
- Let's Have A Yarn About Our Story. A great way to start, this Yarn develops the dynamics and individual identities of the group.
- Let's Have A Yarn About Rules In Our Lives. Rules are essential in our society, this Yarn develops an understanding of those rules and why they're there.
- Let's Have A Yarn About Good And Bad Choices. We've all made them — but do we understand them? This Yarn develops our skills towards better judgement.
- Let's Have A Yarn About How I Can Be A Better Friend. Friendship is a wonderful thing but is often difficult to hold on to, this Yarn talks about nurturing our relationships.
- Let's Have A Yarn About Feelings. Our feelings can be overwhelming and sometimes confusing, this Yarn develops our awareness of how we feel at different times.
Each topic has ten sessions that the group can choose to discuss; developing various skills throughout the weeks. In total there are fifty Yarning sessions which the group can share within the safe environment of The Yarning Circle.
Each Yarn requires a facilitator to achieve the maximum benefit from the program. Included in the package is a Facilitator's Handbook to assist the facilitator and guide the Yarning process.
2. Team Building Activities
Using oral communication and working together, the group performs various team building activities that continue to develop throughout the Yarning process.
3. After Yarn Activities
These activities allow the group to utilise what they have learnt while exploring Yarning topics and empower the expression of individual views and identity.
Who is The Yarn for?
The Yarn is for Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere..
The Let's Have A Yarn With Yarn® program captures the ethos of Aboriginal Yarning Circles and is transferable to any situation. The skills learned and used within the Yarns are cross-cultural and universal. There are no barriers that age has brought to the Yarning process. There are no barriers for those with physical, visual, speech, learning or hearing difficulties; all such members have successfully participated in the Yarn. With the assistance of the group and the facilitator, inclusion becomes a natural part of the Yarning process, however, The Yarn and After Yarn Activities may need to be modified to suit the members' abilities within each group.
Yarning benefits our young people, our Elders and everyone in-between. The Let's Have A Yarn With Yarn® program is suitable for all of us. It is designed to work within group situations, the family home and a variety of organisations such as:
- Schools and educational organisations
- Health organisations
- Corrective Services
- Parent groups
- Youth groups
- Welfare organisations
- Social meeting groups
- Healing groups
- Environmental organisations
- Professional development sessions
- Workshops
The Let's Have A Yarn With Yarn® program is applicable to everyone regardless of age, culture or gender. Highly valued within the educational system, our communities and the family home; this traditional learning method leads to inclusion, participation, value of the individual and access to contemporary outcomes in today's modern world. Empower the group you belong to by giving a voice to its individuals, in a safe, relaxed and comfortable nurturing environment.
The Let's Have A Yarn With Yarn® program is:
Education Through Communication
Understanding Through the Telling of and Listening to Our Stories
How to purchase the Let's Have A Yarn With Yarn® program
Purchase online or contact Lee at the Yarning Circle by email or phone if you require more information regarding Let's Have A Yarn With Yarn®.
Copyright © 2024. The Yarning Circle®. All rights reserved.